Daisy was born May 17 2014, in Georgia USA. She was born under a couch. She had plenty of other siblings, but we were only able to keep one kitten, and I decided on Daisy. She was my favorite and she still is.
She always been quite small, and she is still small today. Her best friend was Halley, a medium-small sized dog, who died around 2018. She is only tolerable of the rest of the dogs we are living with today, but I'm sure most of that is because they aren't used to her.
Daisy has a lot of acheviments under her belt. She's lived in 3 states, and has traveled across the whole country! (She did not like that, she does not like car rides!) She's killed one mole, and a whole lot of moths and flies.
I'm going to add to this later , i just got really tired. she isgoing to die this year and im very sad about it. she has mammary cancer.

Donate to me to help pay for further treatment(likely chemo)→