HI. ヽ(´▽`)ノ
My Computer is 1280x720. I try to make my website work for Larger Screens AND Mobile.
(Mobile can't read this text nor images!)

Hello hello!!

This website will host several things that I like! Currently, I know I will use it for writing (fanfiction), and pictures of bugs, and my cat.


I am someone who is heading no where in life, currently. My goals are limited to less than a year. I'm not currently attached to any name, so feel free to call me whatever or "Hey You". Pronouns are he/him or it/its for now.
My interests are stagnant, which might just be autism. I love Five Nights at Freddy's and Bugs (bears and bugs, hah). I am also quite interested in soft things and fur and fabrics. When my mood allows, I also like gardening and mini-jar "fishtanks".
Besides that I am a generally very uninteresting person. Sorry fellas.

Daisy licking my finger
^^^^^ that's my cat ^^^^^